Below are the details of the company, if you need to obtain additional documents: certificate of state registration, tax identification number, you can contact the accounting department of the enterprise.
Full name: | Limited Liability Company "PEREDVIZHNIK" |
Abbreviated name: | LLC "PEREDVIZHNIK" |
TIN/KPP: | 7840517767/781001001 |
1147847436483 |
Legal address: |
196006, St. Petersburg, int. ter. Moscowskaya Zastava municipal district, Ligovsky avenue, 256 building 3 letter D, premises. 1-N, room 1 |
Actual address: |
St. Petersburg, int. ter. Moscowskaya Zastava municipal district, Ligovsky avenue, 256 building 3 letter D, premises. 1-N, room 1 |
Telephone: |
8 (800) 201-54-80 |
Email: | |
Website: | |
Bank details: |
BIC 044030786 R/s №40702810132320000499 в JSC "ALFA-BANK", Kor/account 30101810600000000786 |